Saturday, 11 June 2016

The Java Language:Arrays:Multidimensional Arrays

Java supports multidimensional arrays in the form of arrays of array type objects. You create a multidimensional array with C-like syntax, using multiple bracket pairs, one for each dimension. You also use this syntax to access elements at various positions within the array. Here’s an example of a multidimensional array that represents a chess board:
 ChessPiece [][] chessBoard;  
 chessBoard = new ChessPiece [8][8];  
 chessBoard[0][0] = new ChessPiece.Rook;  
 chessBoard[1][0] = new ChessPiece.Pawn;  
Here, chessBoard is declared as a variable of type ChessPiece[][] (i.e., an array of ChessPiece arrays). This declaration implicitly creates the type ChessPiece[] as well. The example illustrates the special form of the new operator used to create a multidimensional array. It creates an array of ChessPiece[] objects and then, in turn, makes each element into an array of ChessPiece objects. We then index chessBoard to specify values for particular ChessPiece elements. (We’ll neglect the color of the pieces here.) Of course, you can create arrays with more than two dimensions. Here’s a slightly impractical example:
 Color [][][] rgbCube = new Color [256][256][256];  
 rgbCube[0][0][0] =;  
 rgbCube[255][255][0] = Color.yellow;  
We can specify a partial index of a multidimensional array to get a subarray of array type objects with fewer dimensions. In our example, the variable chessBoard is of type ChessPiece[][]. The expression chessBoard[0] is valid and refers to the first element of chessBoard, which, in Java, is of type ChessPiece[]. For example, we can populate our chess board one row at a time:
 ChessPiece [] homeRow = {  
 new ChessPiece("Rook"), new ChessPiece("Knight"),  
 new ChessPiece("Bishop"), new ChessPiece("King"),  
 new ChessPiece("Queen"), new ChessPiece("Bishop"),  
 new ChessPiece("Knight"), new ChessPiece("Rook")  
chessBoard[0] = homeRow;
We don’t necessarily have to specify the dimension sizes of a multidimensional array with a single new operation. The syntax of the new operator lets us leave the sizes of some dimensions unspecified. The size of at least the first dimension (the most significant dimension of the array) has to be specified, but the sizes of any number of trailing, less significant array dimensions may be left undefined. We can assign appropriate arraytype values later. We can create a checkerboard of Boolean values (which is not quite sufficient for a real game of checkers either) using this technique:
 boolean [][] checkerBoard;  
 checkerBoard = new boolean [8][];  
Here, checkerBoard is declared and created, but its elements, the eight boolean[] objects of the next level, are left empty. Thus, for example, checkerBoard[0] is null until we explicitly create an array and assign it, as follows:
 checkerBoard[0] = new boolean [8];  
 checkerBoard[1] = new boolean [8];  
 checkerBoard[7] = new boolean [8];  
The code of the previous two examples is equivalent to:
 boolean [][] checkerBoard = new boolean [8][8];  
One reason we might want to leave dimensions of an array unspecified is so that we can store arrays given to us by another method. Note that because the length of the array is not part of its type, the arrays in the checkerboard do not necessarily have to be of the same length; that is, multidimensional arrays don’t have to be rectangular. Here’s a defective (but perfectly legal in Java) checkerboard:
 checkerBoard[2] = new boolean [3];  
 checkerBoard[3] = new boolean [10];  
And here’s how you could create and initialize a triangular array:
 int [][] triangle = new int [5][];  
 for (int i = 0; i < triangle.length; i++) {  
 triangle[i] = new int [i + 1];  
 for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++)  
 triangle[i][j] = i + j;  


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