Saturday 11 June 2016

The Java Language: Exceptions: Throwing Exceptions:try Creep

The try statement imposes a condition on the statements that it guards. It says that if an exception occurs within it, the remaining statements are abandoned. This has consequences for local variable initialization. If the compiler can’t determine whether a local variable assignment placed inside a try/catch block will happen, it won’t let us use the variable. For example:
 void myMethod() {
 int foo;
 try {
 foo = getResults();
 catch ( Exception e ) {
 int bar = foo; // Compile-time error: foo may not have been initialized
In this example, we can’t use foo in the indicated place because there’s a chance it was never assigned a value. One obvious option is to move the assignment inside the try statement:
 try {
 foo = getResults();
 int bar = foo; // Okay because we get here only
 // if previous assignment succeeds
 catch ( Exception e ) {
Sometimes this works just fine. However, now we have the same problem if we want to use bar later in myMethod(). If we’re not careful, we might end up pulling everything into the try statement. The situation changes, however, if we transfer control out of the method in the catch clause:
 try {
 foo = getResults();
 catch ( Exception e ) {
 int bar = foo; // Okay because we get here only
 // if previous assignment succeeds
The compiler is smart enough to know that if an error had occurred in the try clause, we wouldn’t have reached the bar assignment, so it allows us to refer to foo. Your code will dictate its own needs; you should just be aware of the options.


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