Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The Java Language: Exceptions: Throwing Exceptions: Narrowed rethrow

Prior to Java 7 if you wanted to handle a bunch of exception types in a single catch clause and then rethrow the original exception, you would inevitably end up widening the declared exception type to what was required to catch them all or having to do a lot of work to avoid that. In Java 7, the compiler has become smarter and can now do most of the work for us by allowing us to narrow the type of exceptions thrown back to the original types in most cases. This is best explained by example:

 void myMethod() throws ZipException, SSLException  
 try {  
 // Possible cause of ZipException or SSLException  
 } catch ( Exception e ) {  
 log( e );  
 throw e;  
In this example, we are exceedingly lazy and simply catch all exceptions with a broad catch Exception clause in order to log them prior to rethrowing. Prior to Java 7, the compiler would have insisted that the throws clause of our method declare that it throws the broad Exception type as well. However, the Java compiler is now smart enough in most cases to analyze the actual types of exceptions that may be thrown and allow us to prescribe the precise set of types. The same would be true if we had used the mutipletype catch clause in this example, as you might have guessed. The preceding is a bit less intuitive, but very useful in shoring up the specificity of exception handling of code, including code written prior to Java 7, without requiring potentially tricky reworking of catch clauses.


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