Wednesday 15 June 2016

Searching blogger Posts and Feeds according to Labels and Keywords

seeThis:As bloggers, there's a time when one needs to categorize blog posts according to their labels or even keywords in the posts themselves.Today we let's discuss various interesting ways of doing this with Blogger. We are going to see how to do search by category, by query, doing effective search inside feeds, how to run a query for searching posts with multiple labels and how to search for a particular keyword inside posts tagged under a specific label using its Feed data. We will also look at how to sort search results by date and index count.

    Searching Using a Label
Lets try searching for all posts with the label "Blogger" in our blog. The URL would look like the one below:  
    Searching Using a keyword in a Post
This example is for a search query that looks for a keyword "Blogger Posts" in all posts regardless of which label it belongs to. Notice that space is replaced by %20%, many could be dangerous characters are replaced by their representative standard codes.
    Searching Using Multiple Labels
Lets now search all posts containing the labels "Blogger" and "HowTos"|label:HowTos
    Sorting Search Results by Date
If you wish to sort the search result by date and time then you can easily do that with an extra parameter "by-date=true". It will display most recent entries first and oldest later. Let's for example look at the syntax for displaying most recent posts about Blogger:
When you sort results by date, relevance is destroyed; this is why some of the posts may not be about Blogger. If One strictly wanted posts about Blogger then they should remove the by-date parameter altogether.
    Setting the desired number of Results
By default blogger display 20 posts at a time. If you wish to increase or decrease this number then use the parameter "max-results=". The following query for example will return 43 posts based on query Blogger.
    Retrieving a feed with all Posts
A Feed containing all your blog posts has the following syntax:
    Retrieving a feed with all Comments
A feed containing all your blog comments has the following syntax:
    Prevent Feed redirection to Feedburner
If you are redirected to feedburner then this means you are using feedburner to send email updates to your subscribers. One can prevent this using the parameter redirect=false as shown below:

Posts FEED 
Comments FEED


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