Sunday 13 March 2016

The Java Language: Reference Types

In an object-oriented language like Java, you create new, complex data types from simple primitives by creating a class. Each class then serves as a new type in the language. For example, if we create a new class called Foo in Java, we are also implicitly creating a new type called Foo. The type of an item governs how it’s used and where it can be assigned. As with primitives, an item of type Foo can, in general, be assigned to a variable of type Foo or passed as an argument to a method that accepts a Foo value. A type is not just a simple attribute. Classes can have relationships with other classes and so do the types that they represent. All classes in Java exist in a parent-child hierarchy, where a child class or subclass is a specialized kind of its parent class. The corresponding types have the same relationship, where the type of the child class is considered a subtype of the parent class. Because child classes inherit all of the functionality of their parent classes, an object of the child’s type is in some sense equivalent to or an extension of the parent type. An object of the child type can be used in place of an object of the parent’s type. For example, if you create a new class, Cat, that extends Animal, the new type, Cat, is considered a subtype of Animal. Objects of type Cat can then be used anywhere an object of type Animal can be used; an object of type Cat is said to be assignable to a variable of type Animal. This is called subtype polymorphism and is one of the primary features of an object-oriented language. We’ll look more closely at classes and objects. Primitive types in Java are used and passed “by value.” In other words, when a primitive value like an int is assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to a method, it’s simply copied. Reference types (class types), on the other hand, are always accessed “by reference.” A reference is simply a handle or a name for an object. What a variable of a reference type holds is a “pointer” to an object of its type (or of a subtype, as described earlier). When the reference is assigned to a variable or passed to a method, only the reference is copied, not the object to which it’s pointing. A reference is like a pointer in C or C++, except that its type is so strictly enforced. The reference value itself can’t be explicitly created or changed. A variable acquires a reference value only through assignment to an appropriate object. Let’s run through an example. We declare a variable of type Foo, called myFoo, and assign it an appropriate object:

 Foo myFoo = new Foo();  
 Foo anotherFoo = myFoo;  
myFoo is a reference-type variable that holds a reference to the newly constructed Foo object. (For now, don’t worry about the details of creating an object; we’ll cover that.) We declare a second Foo type variable, anotherFoo, and assign it to the same object. There are now two identical references : myFoo and anotherFoo, but only one actual Foo object instance. If we change things in the state of the Foo object itself, we see the same effect by looking at it with either reference. Object references are passed to methods in the same way. In this case, either myFoo or anotherFoo would serve as equivalent arguments:
 myMethod( myFoo );  
An important, but sometimes confusing, distinction to make at this point is that the reference itself is a value and that value is copied when it is assigned to a variable or passed in a method call. Given our previous example, the argument passed to a method (a local variable from the method’s point of view) is actually a third reference to the Foo object, in addition to myFoo and anotherFoo. The method can alter the state of the Foo object through that reference (calling its methods or altering its variables), but it can’t change the caller’s notion of the reference to myFoo: that is, the method can’t change the caller’s myFoo to point to a different Foo object; it can change only its own reference. This will be more obvious when we talk about methods later. Java differs from C++ in this respect. If you need to change a caller’s reference to an object in Java, you need an additional level of indirection. The caller would have to wrap the reference in another object so that both could share the reference to it. Reference types always point to objects, and objects are always defined by classes. However, two special kinds of reference types—arrays and interfaces—specify the type of object they point to in a slightly different way. Arrays in Java have a special place in the type system. They are a special kind of object automatically created to hold a collection of some other type of object, known as the base type. Declaring an array type reference implicitly creates the new class type designed as a container for its base type, as you’ll see. Interfaces are a bit sneakier. An interface defines a set of methods and gives it a corresponding type. An object that implements the methods of the interface can be referred to by that interface type, as well as its own type. Variables and method arguments can be declared to be of interface types, just like other class types, and any object that implements the interface can be assigned to them. This adds flexibility in the type system and allows Java to cross the lines of the class hierarchy and make objects that effectively have many types. We’ll cover interfaces soon also. Generic types or parameterized types, as we mentioned earlier, are an extension of the Java class syntax that allows for additional abstraction in the way classes work with other Java types. Generics allow for specialization of classes by the user without changing any of the original class’s code. We'll cover generics in detail .


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