Java supports almost all standard operators from the C language. These operators also have the same precedence in Java as they do in C, as shown in the following Table.
Precedence | Operator | Operand Type | Description |
1 | ++,-- | Arithmetic | Increment and Decrement |
1 | +,- | Arithmetic | Unary Plus and unary Minus |
1 | ~ | Integral | Bitwise complement |
1 | ! | Boolean | Logical Complement |
1 | (type) | Any | Cast |
2 | *,/,% | Arithmetic | Multiplication, division, remainder |
3 | +,- | Arithmetic | Addition and subtraction |
3 | + | String | String concatenation |
4 | << | Integral | Left Shift |
4 | >> | Integral | Right shift with sign extension |
4 | >>> | Integral | Right shift with no extension |
5 | <,<=,>,>= | Arithmetic | Numeric Comparison |
5 | instanceof | Object | Type comparison |
6 | ==,!= | Primitive | Equality and inequality of value |
6 | ==, != | Object | Equality and inequality of reference |
7 | & | Integral | Bitwise AND |
7 | & | Boolean | Boolean AND |
8 | ^ | Integral | Bitwise XOR |
8 | ^ | Boolean | Boolean XOR |
9 | | | Integral | Bitwise OR |
9 | | | Boolean | Boolean OR |
10 | && | Boolean | Conditional AND |
11 | || | Boolean | Conditional OR |
12 | ?: | N/A | Conditional ternary operator |
13 | = | Any | Assignment |
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