Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Java Compiler

In this section, we’ll say a few words about javac, the Java compiler in the JDK. The javac compiler is written entirely in Java, so it’s available for any platform that supports the Java runtime system. javac turns Java source code into a compiled class that contains Java bytecode. By convention, source files are named with a .java extension; the resulting class files have a .class extension. Each source code file is considered a single compilation unit. As you’ll see, classes in a given compilation unit share certain features, such as package and import statements. javac allows one public class per file and insists that the file have the same name as the class. If the filename and class name don’t match, javac issues a compilation error. A single file can contain multiple classes, as long as only one of the classes is public and is named for the file. Avoid packing too many classes into a single source file. Packing classes together in a .java file only superficially associates them. We’ll talk about inner classes, classes that contain other classes and interfaces. As an example, place the following source code in the file package animals.mammals;

 public class Man extends Mammal {  
Next, compile it with:
 % javac  
Unlike the Java interpreter, which takes just a class name as its argument, javac needs a filename (with the .java extension) to process. The previous command produces the class file BigBird.class in the same directory as the source file. While it’s nice to see the class file in the same directory as the source for this example, for most real applications, you need to store the class file in an appropriate place in the classpath. You can use the -d option with javac to specify an alternative directory for storing the class files javac generates. The specified directory is used as the root of the class hierarchy, so .class files are placed in this directory or in a subdirectory below it, depending on whether the class is contained in a package. (The compiler creates intermediate subdirectories automatically, if necessary.) For example, we can use the following command to create the BigBird.class file at /home/balya/Java/classes/animals/mammals/Man.class:
 % javac -d /home/balya/Java/classes  
You can specify multiple .java files in a single javac command; the compiler creates a class file for each source file. But you don’t need to list the other classes your class references as long as they are in the classpath in either source or compiled form. During compilation, Java resolves all other class references using the classpath. The Java compiler is more intelligent than your average compiler, replacing some of the functionality of a make utility. For example, javac compares the modification times of the source and class files for all classes and recompiles them as necessary. A compiled Java class remembers the source file from which it was compiled, and as long as the source file is available, javac can recompile it if necessary. If, in the previous example, class Man references another class, animals.furry.Grover, javac looks for the source file in an animals.furry package and recompiles it if necessary to bring the Grover.class class file up-to-date. By default, however, javac checks only source files that are referenced directly from other source files. This means that if you have an out-of-date class file that is referenced only by an up-to-date class file, it may not be noticed and recompiled. For that and many other reasons, most projects use a real build utility such as Apache’s Ant to manage builds, packaging, and more. We will discuss Ant. Finally, it’s important to note that javac can compile an application even if only the compiled (binary) versions of some of the classes are available. You don’t need source code for all your objects. Java class files contain all the data type and method signature information that source files contain, so compiling against binary class files is as typesafe (and exception safe) as compiling with Java source code.


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